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welcome to Désir dárt.

Désir dárt was form by a group of teenage art lovers. We all basically love arts, design and jokes

This is the second Raziel. Edited using Photoshop and touched up by Sandra.
Super Super hot Raziel!


hi everyone! the art lust members that will be joining for art talent competition!!!!
Raziel- manga drawing competiton
Lucious- fashion design competition
Sandra -lucious's model!
Sweet tooth- singing competition!
so cheer for us! All the arts that will be entering will be shown on this blog soon!!!


Raziel had entered into semifinal!!(encore)
Lucious and Sandra are entering on the 9th of Aug (semifinal competition)
Sweet tooth had entered into semifinal! (encore)

Labels: ,

Not the first neither the last

These drawings are done by Raziel a.k.a. Yukio. There are more to come when he finishes everything. But he did't do this all alone. With the help from his friends which are
*Lucious a.k.a. Dark-crow (colour editer, design of cloths and some advice [or maybe critic])
*Sandra (mostly colour editor, touch up and colour supplier)
*Angelique a.k.a. Midori (colour editor and good advice)
*Gabrielle a.k.a. Ajinamoto (partly advice and a joker)
*Snowman a.k.a. Jn (partly advice and jokes)
*Sweet tooth (food supplier, advice and jokes)
Raziel 1st Version.
Raziel 2nd Version
Ethan & Elizabeth
More pictures will be uploaded soon. Thank you for your patience :)
